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KDM Cars & Coffee New Jersey (NJ)

1120 US-1, Edison, NJ 08817 1120 US-1, Edison, NJ, United States

Hello fellow N-thusiasts, last time was a great turn out so this will be our third time putting this together lets come out and share our hobbies for the kdm hyundai kia cars we know N love from the 1st show 2nd

KDM and friends Carbecue (NJ)

Lake Manalapan Grove 1A Parking Lot Thompson Dr, Monroe Township, NJ, United States

KDM and friends birthday car meet about 11 we will have our car meet and at around 1130 we will start to order pizza / other things come out join kdm jdm usdm what ever you got is open if your seeing your invited Lake Manalapan Grove 1A Parking Lot Thompson Dr Monroe Township, NJ...

Unless an event is specified as hosted by organizer “” all events otherwise listed on our site are to be assumed hosted, arranged and managed by 3rd parties who are fully responsible for the information in the listing and the operation of their event.  This website lists 3rd party events for your convenience but does not take responsibility for the accuracy of information, changes, cancellations, or any liability whatsoever regarding the listings aforementioned.
